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Manchurian Local Overprints 1945 - 1947

Japanese Kerr 205.


Other Names
Shōkakō Sung Hao Kiang Songhuajiang Sōnghuā jiāng  

(Opposite Harbin on the other side of the Sungari Bridge).

Soong Hao Jiang  
  (Kirin) Sung-hua-chiang  
  Not shown on Map Soong Hwa Jiang  
  This is a soft black 中華民 Republic of China overprint. Kerr shows this as 中華民用 but the last character 用 is probably just a poorly printed Kou. I have yet to see a copy of these stamps with a clear overprint and the examples shown here are typical.  

  50f on 2f 1Y on 10f 1Y on 13f  
  These overprints are similar to the above but with the addition of a soft pale lilac surcharge. Chan list the 13f as a separate issue without the surcharge - this may be correct or it may simply be that the surcharge was not readable due to shoddy printing.

Above are all the stamps known tor this town.

These stamps have been identified by using Volume II of the Stamp Catalogue of China by Shui-Hon Chan and the four booklet guide The Local Overprinted Stamps of Manchuria 1945-7 by Allen D Kerr (published 1978 and now out of print). Both works are essential for anyone delving seriously into this subject.