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Manchukuo Third Regular Issue Revenue Stamps on Paper

This is a small selection of Manchukuo Revenue stamps still on the original documents.

This is a Fixed Certificate bond, dated 20th March1945, from the Tai Tian Commercial Bank of Mukden for the amount of MY10,000. It is good for 1 year later: Kang de 13.  Bond/certificate number 25 (as hand written on the right side of the bond). This bond has two, third regular issue, revenue stamps attached, a 2f and a 3f, giving a total value of 5f.

Size 245mm x 190mm on medium weight, buff, un-watermarked paper.

This is a Fixed Certificate bond, dated June 1945, from the Tai Tian Commercial Bank of Mukden for the amount of MY100,000.  This bond has one 5f third regular issue revenue stamp attached. It seems, looking at both of the above examples, that the tax on bonds in 1945 was 5f.

Size 245mm x 190mm on heavy weight, buff, un-watermarked paper.